Dr. Pablo v. Frankenberg

Curating Consulting

Deutsch Imprint


Pablo von Frankenberg is a curator and museum planner. He creates exhibitions and museums, develops concepts for memorials, and advises cultural institutions and architects. As a sociologist and cultural scientist he researches, publishes, and teaches in the domains of museum and architecture in Europe and abroad.


  • Curator of Museums and Exhibitions

  • Museum Planning and Consulting

  • Architecture Consulting

  • Cultural Concepts

  • Project Development and Management

  • Research and Teaching

  • Writing and Editing

  • Concept and Planning of Publications


Dr. Pablo v. Frankenberg

Curating Consulting

Ludwigkirchstr. 9a

10719 Berlin




German Maritime Museum

Artistic adviser for the new permanent exhibition



Concept and curation of a new museum on industrial heritage


Johannes Kepler Museum

Curator of the new permanent exhibition about German astronomer Johannes Kepler


Berlin State Museums: re-united

Open-air exhibition about the reunification of Berlin's museums


TU Berlin Campus Charlottenburg

Concept for an exhibition pavilion, a Science Gallery, and science paths


Cultural Studies

Teaching position at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Master program Conceptual Design


Kepler's Dream

Curator of the permanent exhibition on Johannes Kepler at City Museum Leonberg


Kniepass Fortress

Museum concept


Experiment and Vision

Teaching position at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Master program Conceptual Design


Architecture Criticism

Teaching position at Institute for Architecture Theory, Technical University Graz



Architecture and museum consulting for Diller Scofidio + Renfro, competition 2nd prize


Design Academy Saaleck

Cultural and architectural adviser for Marzona Foundation Neue Saalecker Werkstätten


Industrial Museum Reutlingen

Museum and architecture consulting for the City of Reutlingen


The Savage Mind

Curator of the exhibition about the opus of HG Merz at Architektur Galerie Berlin


Museum of Transport

Exhibition concept and architecture consulting, for David Chipperfield Architects and HG Merz, competition


UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein

Concept and project lead for Heritage Path Coking Plant and Portal of Industrial Culture, for HG Merz


Bauakademie Berlin

Concept, masterplan and program, for HG Merz, one of five awards in the competition


Rilke and Russia

Exhibition concept of the trinational exhibition at German Literature Archive Marbach, Strauhof Zurich and Bern National Library Switzerland, and State Literature Archive Moscow/Russia, for HG Merz


Thames Estuary Museum

Museum concept and architecture consulting, for UNStudio and HG Merz, 2nd prize in the competition


Echaz Auen Development

Architecture consulting and city planning, for HG Merz, 2nd prize in the competition


Archaeological Exhibition at Sülchenkirche

Exhibition concept and project lead, for HG Merz


Museum Futures I+II

Artistic research project in collaboration with Pratt Institute NYC, University of California San Diego, and Museum Elsewhere in Greensboro/NC


White City Center

Museum concept, for HG Merz, 2nd prize in the competition


Dubai Expo 2020

Exhibition concept Signature Pavilion Opportunity, for Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and HG Merz, 1st prize in the competition


Brenner Base Tunnel Info Point

Curator and project lead, for HG Merz


Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center

Museum masterplan, curatorial concept and architecture consulting, for HG Merz


Swarovski Kristallwelten

Curator of the company history exhibition, concept for an archaeological exhibition, and project lead, for HG Merz


City Museum Munich

Museum concept and architecture consulting, for Auer+Weber and HG Merz, 1st prize in the competition


Guggenheim Museum Helsinki

Architecture consulting and exhibition concept for HaasCookZemmrich/Studio2050 and HG Merz, shortlisted in the competition


Musée Atelier Audemars Piguet

Exhibition concept, for Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and HG Merz


Lucas Museum of Narrative Art

Museum concept, for UNStudio and HG Merz, 2nd prize in the competition



Organization of a lecture series together with Technical University Dortmund



Organization of an artistic research project together with Zurich University of the Arts


Lichtgestalten and Reflexions

Organization of an exhibition and a conference together with Centre for International Light Art


Tü amo. Italian Aspects in German Everyday Life

Curator of the exhibition, organization of a film and lecture series



Between Stage and Museum

Regensburg's Kepler Museum and the Use of History. In: Opus Incertum. Verso una nuova idea di museo. Architettura, arti, teoria e storia 1934-1964, 9/2023, pp. 170–175.

Museum Media Metamorphosis

In: The International Journal of Museum Studies, Vol. II, 2022, pp. 29–43.

Architecture as Science: Add on or Autonomous

In: Juan Almarza Anwandter et al. (ed.): Vom Suffix zur Agenda. Forum Architekturwissenschaft. Berlin 2021, pp. 252–268.

Stilblüten der Stadtgestaltung

In: Kübel, Poller, Leuchte – verloren in der Stadtmöblierung, moderneREGIONAL 21/2, 2021.

Entenhausener Experimente

An interview with Anke te Heesen and Felicitas Hoppe. In: Arch+ features 100, 2020, pp. 16–22.

The ship in the city. The history and significance of a young landmark

In: Ludwig Leo. Umlauftank 2. Leipzig 2020, pp. 109–151. (with HG Merz)

Ausstellungsstücke: Aura, Atmosphäre, Erkenntnis

In: P. Kiedaisch/S. Marinescu/J. Poesch (ed.): Szenografie. Das Kompendium zur vernetzten Gestaltungsdisziplin. Stuttgart 2020.

The Call for an Educational Turn in Architecture. Aspects of a School of the Eye

In: Horizonte – Journal for Architectural Discourse, #14 Manifestations. Weimar 2020, pp. 168 – 175. (with Sophia Walk)

Falten und Muster: Studien des Verlangens

In: Christiane Köhne: Pink Freud. Arbeiten 2008 – 2018 (exhibition catalogue). Tübingen 2018.

Kommerz und Kontingenz

Vom absichtslosen Finden der Vergangenheit in den Swarovski Kristallwelten. In: Nikolaus Hofer (ed.): Archäologische Ausgrabungen bei den Swarovski Kristallwelten in Wattens, Tirol (FÖMat – Fundberichte aus Österreich des Bundesdenkmalamts). Wien 2017, pp. 145 – 149. (with HG Merz)

Museum Futures II: Beyond the Vitrine, Across the Street and with the Security Guard

edited by Kate Clark/Pablo v. Frankenberg/Christopher Kennedy. New York 2016.

Raum, Ding, Betrachter – Der Kontext des Museumsraums

In: Oliver Scheytt/Simone Raskob/Gabriele Willems (ed.): Die Kulturimmobilie: Planen – Bauen – Betreiben. Bielefeld 2016, pp. 141 – 165. (together with HG Merz)

Architektur für Kultur. Kontexte und Prozesse

In: Friedrich Loock/Oliver Scheytt (ed.): Kulturmanagement & Kulturpolitik. Stuttgart 2015, pp. 11 – 23.

Layer/Space. Museum Transitions

Postersession at the conference Museen Verstehen at Leibniz Institute for Epistemic Media, Tübingen 2015.

From Copper Etchings to Toilet Paper. The Second Life of Objects

In: Ludwigsburg Museum. Museum Catalogue. Stuttgart 2014, pp. 32 – 57. (together with HG Merz)

Iconicity, Contingency, Junkspace – Architecture Beyond Criticism

In: Dialectic 2: Architecture Between Boom and Bust. Utah 2014, pp. 63 – 67.

Museum Architecture as Urban Institution

In: Lorenz, Ulrike (ed.): Neue Räume für die Kunst. Internationaler Architekturwettbewerb Kunsthalle Mannheim. Heidelberg/Berlin 2013, pp. 153 – 155.

Die Internationalisierung der Museumsarchitektur

Voraussetzungen, Strukturen, Tendenzen (Berliner Schriften zur Museumsforschung, Band 31). Berlin 2013.

Museum Futures I: A Speculative Investigation of Museum Past, Present & Future

edited by Kate Clark/Pablo v. Frankenberg/Christopher Kennedy. San Diego/New York 2013.

Auf der Suche nach einem Fundament für eine empirisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Architekturforschung

Cassirers Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. In: Karin Bürkert et al. (ed.): Nachwuchsforschung – Forschungsnachwuchs. Ein Lesebuch zur Promotion als Prozess (Göttinger kulturwissenschaftliche Studien, Bd. 9). Göttingen 2012, pp. 21 – 32.

Iconicity: The Ideology of New Museum Architecture

Iconicity: The Ideology of New Museum Architecture. In: De re Aedificatoria 3/2012, pp. 81 – 87.

Museum Utopia. A Brief Architectural History of the Ideal Museum

In: Art History Supplement 2.3/2012, pp. 23 – 26.

Zwischen Funktion und Wirkung. Zur aktuellen Situation der Museumsarchitektur in Deutschland

In: Museumskunde. 1/2012, pp. 88 – 94.

Die Wirklichkeit kultureller Transfers

In: Kaspar Maase (ed.): Tü amo! Italienisches im deutschen Alltag. Eine Tübinger Lokalstudie. Begleitband zur Ausstellung. Tübingen 2009, pp. 27 – 38.